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Tag Archives | dessert

mini rhubarb kuchens

Mini Rhubarb Kuchens

Did you ever have that moment as a kid, when you suddenly realize that a food that you assume everyone eats is something that is particular to your family? I had that moment with rhubarb kuchens. As I recall, I was with friends talking about our favorite desserts that we would choose for our birthdays, […]

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sweet dumpling squash

Sweet Dumpling Squash Bars

A sweet dumpling squash is an adorable fall vegetable; round and petite with a creamy yellow-gold flesh. But if you attempt to make a dessert like Sweet Dumpling Squash Bars, will it appeal to kids? Well…here’s a true story: I made these bars yesterday and started taking pictures of them next to some whole sweet […]

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lentil brownie

Lentil Brownies

You’ve gotta love brownies. You can put just about anything into them. As long as you have enough chocolate and sweetener in them, they’ll still make a gooey and satisfying dessert. Case in point: Our kale brownies, and now these lentil brownies. We hadn’t ever thought of adding lentils to brownies, until we met up […]

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