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Peanut Butter Pie: A Pie for Mikey

This peanut butter pie is delicious – and an amazing crowd-pleaser. But it’s more than just a pie. It represents family, love, and connection.

Let’s back up a step to explain. So, there are thousands of us food enthusiasts, writers, and bloggers out there. But when you get down to it, it’s a pretty tight-knit bunch. So when food blogger Jennifer Perrillo of In Jennie’s Kitchen lost her husband, Mikey, suddenly to a heart attack, the tragic news spread quickly. There was an outpouring of sympathy from friends spread far and wide, along with the universal question, “How can we help?” Jennie’s answer: Make pie.

In Jennie’s words: “As I spend Friday reflecting on the love and life that was gone in an instant, I’d like to invite all of you to celebrate his life too. Mikey loved peanut butter cream pie. I haven’t made it in a while, and I’ve had it on my to-do list for a while now. I kept telling myself I would make it for him tomorrow. Time has suddenly stood still, though, and I’m waiting to wake up and learn to live a new kind of normal. For those asking what they can do to help my healing process, make a peanut butter pie this Friday and share it with someone you love. Then hug them like there’s no tomorrow because today is the only guarantee we can count on.”

And then the pies started coming…and kept coming…and coming. The front page of Tastespotting was completely filled with peanut butter pies, and the hashtag #apieformikey was trending quickly. Soon CNN even had a story.

The Family That Cooks Together

In the Jolly Tomato kitchen, it’s been a happy and busy week filled with family visiting from the East Coast. I am so grateful to have all of them around me, especially my husband Dave, who has been a rock of support for me since the day we met. After reading Jennie’s story, I was inspired to make this pie. And the best part about having so many people around is that it became a group effort.

The kids crushed the graham crackers for the crust. Joe took a bunch of pictures and gave advice on the whipped cream. Sara ran out to the store when I realized we needed sweetened condensed milk. And everyone – all 12 of us who were at dinner – enjoyed every morsel of it

We dedicate this pie to Jennie and Mikey, and to a life filled with food, family, and love. Cherish those around you and rejoice in each day you have together.

P.S. Want to make this pie even more authentically homemade? Start with homemade peanut butter!

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6 Responses to Peanut Butter Pie: A Pie for Mikey

  1. Valentina August 13, 2011 at 11:50 pm #

    I love your post. My family and I made and shared the pie, too. It feels good to be a part of this lovely and loving food blogging community. Love, hugs and comfort to Jennie and her family.

  2. jollytomato August 13, 2011 at 11:58 pm #

    Thanks, Valentina!

  3. myFudo August 16, 2011 at 3:52 am #

    Lovely post. Heartfelt condolence to Jennie. Love the way the food bloggers are supporting one another. #pieforMikey

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