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Tag Archives | rice

100-year-old olive trees at Lodestar Farms

Farm Water and Farm-Fresh Food

There’s one question that keeps coming up as we continue our Real Food farm tour project. Why should consumers care about or get to know about farm water? And what does it have to do with our food and where it comes from? We’ve learned a great deal about farm water in the past few […]

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rice ghosts

Spooky Rice Ghosts for Halloween

After our recent visit to a rice farm, we can’t wait to cook with rice. And what better season than Halloween than to make these “spooky” rice ghosts? We started this project with sushi rice, the ultimate shape-able, mold-able rice for making creepy creations. Sushi riceĀ  has a very round, short grain and is very […]

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rice farm

Lundberg Rice Farm Visit

Rice: It’s one of the major food staples of the world. It’s one of the first foods most of of eat as babies. It’s ubiquitous in many varieties of ethnic cooking. And yet, most of us (well, at least we’re speaking for the Jolly Tomato here) don’t have any clue what happens on a rice […]

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